Tried, Tested & Tasted Home/School Aquaponics System Aquaorganic® 780
- Excellent Value for Money.
- Professionally engineered for efficiency and low running cost.
- Quality components that will last the distance.
- Single grow-bed aquaponics system, fits into a 1.5m x 3.2m area.
- Can be upgraded to the Aquaorganic®2000 or Aquaorganic®2000NFT family/school system later if required.
- Will produce a consistent supply of a surprisingly huge amount of food for many years!
- Made from solid, long-lasting, food-grade components that won’t break down and leach chemicals into your food like the IBC’s.
- This size system will suit singles/small family of around 2-4 people.
- Just fill it up, condition your water, add some fingerlings & seedlings and you’re growing beautiful, fresh aquaponic produce!
- Knowledgeable support when you need it.
- Fingerlings, Fish Food and Water Quality Supplies readily available online and in-store.
- We’ve been supplying quality systems for all areas, all conditions since 1996.
For optimum enjoyment of your aquaponic food systems we recommend purchasing and studying the Snack Size, Aquaponic & Fish Farm Tours or our Aquaponics 101 Course.
Click here for aquaorganic® aquaponic system reviews:
To request a consultation for larger systems please enter your details or call us.
- 1.5 x 2m Area
- 50 Fingerlings
- Low Cost
Click to Call 08 72286888
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