- 8 x 5m Area
- 100-200 Fingerlings
- Larger Investment
Our own designed, tested & tasted, ready to roll Large Home/School aquaorganic™ aquaponic systems for school or family food production. 2000L Tank, Three grow-beds, NFT. Please call us for more information, we are happy to provide advice on placement of your system and suitable greenhouses.
Click here for testimonials on our aquaponic systems.
Just add seedlings, fish & water! Harvest fresh greens & veggies as well as your very own home-grown fish for the table. Yield between 50-70kg fish per batch cycle and 225 planting spaces.
Efficient re-use of water for your kitchen garden with a bonus of fresh fish winter Trout taste great smoked steamed summer Silver Perch are great just re-stock and re-plant for a lifetime of fresh food value.
We’ve done all the hard work for you, just plug it in , fill it up and you’re growing all the fresh fruit, veg and herbs you want at your door. No nasty chemicals, no herbicides, no sweating, bending or digging. No wilted, fried summer garden. Just an abundance of fast-growing, fresh, healthy food for you and your family.
Basic instructions are supplied and full system management support is supplied via phone/email for up to six months following installation. 12 months warranty on system components.
Prior to installing a larger aquaponic system we highly recommend purchasing and studying the Aquaponics 101 Course or the Commercial Aquaponics Course.
We supply everything you need for your aquaponic systems maintenance too.
Customers only please - no marketing or sales callers.